Welcome To Your Own Fantasy World : BOOKS!

A book is a magic you hold in your hands

Our mind  travels fastest in the universe. At one moment we are in our house, the next we can reach wherever we wish in the world! No super speed bullet train can match this ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Books come second in transporting us to another world in just a minute. We can travel to magical world of books by just peeking inside them. They have the capability of showing us the wonders which we can’t even begin to imagine. That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.
I have been a big fan of books since I was a small kid. They just did something magical to me. I could sit for hours reading my favorite books even when I was just 6 years old. My friends used to say that books are like fevicol for me ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.  At that time we didn’t have so many options of recreation as today: Mobile phones, Satellite TV, Internet, Malls etc 
So it helped to inculcate the reading habit with not much to do anyway. Books were the only means to know about the outside world and to pass your time too.

Books: Our Best Friend 

Books are our ultimate friends: they are with us through thick and thin, never get tired of being around, never leave us alone and they always entertain us. With books at your side you will never feel lonely, be it a long flight with no one to talk to or those home alone nights. 
Its very important to inculcate the reading habit among our children. With so much to do and all the distractions, they never get the time nor the inclination to sit down with a book . But books have a whole lot of benefits so its necessary to read at least a little everyday. Books improve our vocabulary, widen our outlook about the world, helps with our imagination power which is good for brain, doesn’t make us feel lonely ever and many others. With so much to give, books require only a little attention from us which we can surely give. 

Books for Brain

We can read according to our taste be it fiction or non fiction. Whatever genre you choose it’s ok. Every book helps, even that gossip magazine ๐Ÿ˜€. With TV and mobile phones, we have a wide range of  content at our fingertips. But the videos do nothing to boost our imagination. 
Let’s do an experiment to test your imagination power. I’ll describe a scene and you have to imagine it accordingly. Then after the description I’ll provide the actual picture for you to compare ๐Ÿ˜€. 
The difference will blow you away and give you an idea about imagination power and what a book can do for your brain. 
It’s a small town on the banks of a beautiful river with  lush green mountains in the back drop.  The river is a beautiful blue green in color with hues of pink and purple in between. An orange colored bridge connects the two banks of the river for the convenience of inhabitants of the  town. Sky is deep blue peppered with  white cumulus clouds. 
There are stairs on both sides to sit and enjoy the serenity. 
There are two majestic yacht parked in the pier waiting for an adventurous journey with their owners. 
Done with your imagination? So lets see the actual picture and  compare it yourselves. Scroll down for the pic

Books Are Beautiful


The beauty of reading a book is that everyone imagines according to their own imagination, so each  scene is unique for everyone. While a video does nothing for our imagination and the view is same for all the viewers, a book provides a unique and personalized experience for us all. We see through the writers words. The same scene can become extraordinary or boring depending on the choice of words. 
Apart from stimulating our brain, books help us to acquire knowledge. By reading regularly we come to know about many things which isn’t possible otherwise. Our attitude and approach towards the world changes and we start feeling more connected to everyone. It becomes clear to us that every person in the world has similar inner feelings and each and everyone reacts similarly in same situation. This makes us more humble and sympathetic towards others and serve to make us better human being.
Books open up a whole new world for us to explore at our own pace and leisure. They never ask anything in return other than a little care and maintenance. They are our life long companions. When they become old they become classics ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. 

I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a book. Happy reading ๐Ÿ˜‡

7 thoughts on “Welcome To Your Own Fantasy World : BOOKS!”

  1. Yes sister…well saidBooks are the source to boost our imagination power. It gives our brain power to excercise. Even I like reading books ๐Ÿ‘

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